When I was asked to evaluate a government website, I encountered a discrepancy between government stakeholder assumptions and the needs of the non-profit sector
The challenge
I love working with teams who have a drive to make things better. But strong motivation to solve problems must be balanced with an understanding of which problems to solve.
I was I brought into the team to check that a web application was accessible. It was the last development sprint.
The team had built a website to help community organisations and non-profit fundraisers comply with government legislative requirements and make the formerly paper-based process easier.
I needed to become familiar with the complexities of the product, understand the needs of community fundraisers, then plan and run research activities to evaluate the proposed design.
Interviewing internal stakeholders revealed that subject matter experts had completed requirements discovery using expert-level knowledge of backstage processes and legislation. Community fundraisers had not seen the design.
Non-government organisation (NGO) fundraiser needs
I observed two user groups with a think-aloud usability test protocol. Group one was a mix of staff administrators who oversee regulation and support backstage process, and group two were community organisation fundraisers who need to comply with regulation.
Observing staff subject matter experts helped me understand how internal stakeholders viewed the process fitted to the legislative model. Observing community user workflows helped me understand how the system fitted real world use.
I had a hunch that comparing and internal and external perspectives would help build empathy. By including both staff and community users in the research I hoped to understand how the design was aligned to the needs of both community users and staff.
Staff user group
Staff subject matter experts were familiar with the backstage processes.
Staff participants said that the design was clean and simple, and that filling in the forms online was much easier than the paper-based version.
Staff participants were observed completing tasks with a reasonably high success rate, and subjectively rated the system as performing well.
After the first few tests it looked like the new system was meeting staff expectations.
Community fundraisers group
Fundraisers were asked to use the new system to complete their workflows the way they would normally on paper. I asked them to talk to me about how and why they work that way.
Community users became disoriented by a process flow which didn’t match the way they needed to collect information.
Specialist jargon vocabulary used in the interface instruction caused confusion and incorrect information to be supplied. Errors would require call backs to resolve, increasing support requirements for both users and service desk.
Community users became increasingly frustrated with poorly sequenced navigation that appeared to take users backward.
I observed them failing key tasks, losing work done without a save function, or giving up having been unable to complete tasks.
Areas for improvement
Underlying problems and themes became clear throughout the test.
Measuring the difference
With hundreds of insights, I was confident that analysis would demonstrate a measurable difference in how the system matched the needs of staff and the needs of the community.
By correlating participant task success rates with questionnaire responses, along with in-depth voice of the community, I reported on the overall similarities and differences between the two groups and the challenges they faced.
Comparing staff and community user feedback
Staff participants rated the system significantly higher than community participants for satisfaction and effectiveness. Staff reported far fewer issues, and the problems observed were not as severe compared to external users. Staff used their knowledge of the backstage process to recover from errors.
Staff participants were far more forgiving, and important design problems were not represented in their feedback.
Actions taken
Findings were written in a detailed report and distributed for the team to consider. A summary of findings was presented in a follow-up workshop to prioritise improvement opportunities.
After commitments were made to address critical issues, the development team needed to estimate refactoring code, because many of the features that tested poorly had already been developed.